05 November 2008

When fiction meets fact

Two years after Matt Santos won the fictional US Presidential Election in TV’s The West Wing the real life person he is supposedly based on, Barack Obama, won the real thing.

The 37 pages of other election results have also been decided (or will be today) and so thankfully we can return to normal advertising, at least for another four years.

You won’t be surprised to hear that not everyone is as happy as Mrs Obama about the result last night. An elected member of the State Board of Education in one of the districts here (ie a supposedly educated person) is predicting that Obama will “bring tyranny to America by declaring martial law after his terrorist friends attack our homeland”.

And if you think that’s an odd thing to say, then think about the number of people who didn’t want to vote for him because they thought he was a Muslim. This seems wrong to me on at least two counts: 1) He isn’t a Muslim and 2) Even if he were, as far as I know there’s nothing wrong with that in itself (some Muslims are terrorists, but then so are some Irish people and I don’t expect anyone from Boston or Chicago would mind if someone claiming to be from the Emerald Isle wanted to represent them. Timothy McVeigh was a Roman Catholic and he committed the largest terrorist attack on US soil prior to 9/11).

Anyway, I can’t wait to find out what the nutter in Kroger thinks of this news. This is the man who insisted to me that “someone” (presumably the evil Government) was controlling the direction of Hurricane Ike as otherwise how else could it have travelled so neatly straight up Interstate Highway I45? He’s bound to have a valuable insight into yesterday’s event...

Read 1028 times Last modified on 29 December 2015