08 December 2008

YYZ, Eh?

Those of you who are seasoned travellers will recognise the International Air Transport Association code for Toronto’s Pearson International Airport (followed by the inevitable ”Eh” that follows almost everything Canadian’s say).

Those of you who are fans of Rush, surely Toronto’s finest export, will recognise the much loved instrumental track from their magnificent 1981 (quadruple platinum) album “Moving Pictures”.

This particular live rendition of YYZ is from the final concert of the Vapor Trails tour (2002-2003 - I saw them twice during this tour) and takes place in Rio de Janeiro in front of 40,000 people (The previous night the played to 60,000 in Sao Paulo, their largest crowd to date in a headlining concert).

Morse Code experts amongst you will recognise “-.-- -.-- --..” being played on the cymbals then guitar and bass, this of course being the Morse Code for “YYZ”.

Rush aren’t Toronto’s only musical export (they are just the best). I can also recommend Barenaked Ladies, especially live (funnily enough they were playing here only last night).

Remember to take a pair of knickers with you (preferably clean) to throw on the stage during “Pinch Me”  when Ed Robertson sings :

    “You'll notice that I'm not around

    I could hide out under there

    I just made you say 'underwear'”

If you see them in Canada, don’t take a Kraft Dinner (otherwise known as Macaroni & Cheese) and throw this on the stage during “If I Had a $1,000,000” when Ed (or Steven Page who shares the vocals on this one) sings:

    “If I had $1,000,000 we wouldn’t have to eat Kraft Dinner

    (but we would!)”

This was the practice for a long time but apparently it got too painful as concert goers started to throw a bit too hard.

Read 1049 times Last modified on 29 December 2015